Silkie with sores on her feet


In the Brooder
Mar 4, 2023
Hi chicken friends and experts,
I'm a new chicken owner and my 14 wk old silkie hen has developed sore and bleeding bits on her 5th toes both legs. are these pressure sores? i can see its sore and pink where the scales should be close and grey. the one bleeding is strangely on the top of her weird 5th toe. shes not limping at all.
She does like to perch on the top of the ladder at night (only 3 ft up) but i have no idea how she gets down in the early hours of the morning. its just thick sand for their flooring, or maybe shes jumping down on the wooden roost bars??
i've been treating with epsom salts and put some vet tape around them but no change after 4 days.
What does this look like to you guys out there?
Ta muchly x


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