Silkiecuddles Chat Thread!!! ANYBODY welcome!!!

Maybe you should get a new tree.... What exactly do you mean by "inedible"?

Dad thinks it'd do better if it was in a pot. Well, it grows until it's almost ripe, then it stops growing and wrinkles 'til it falls off the tree.
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I guess it's just a matter of trial and error. We'll figure it out. :p
Yeah. Here I know this technically has nothing to do with what we're talking about but it might give you an idea of what might be wrong.

Your Own trees in your location,can't supply live seeds unless you live where the fig wasp lives,or trough apomitic way.
Apomitic fertile seeds,from your tree could happen,but they are very rare occurrences,yet this is the only viable way to get a decent fruit producing tree.
Store bought fruits seeds:Forget about them producing fruiting trees,because:
Cauducous male caprifigs are used to pollinate female fig trees in California ,Turkey Grece etc!
Those cauducous male caprifigs ,will give to the new seedling the undesirable (Gene), of dropping of fruits at the point of half grown,when not pollinated by the wasp.
Also the fruits from commerce are usually Smyrna Type Females,which are themselves cauducous,(will drop fruits without pollination).
____So When a Smyrna type Female fig is pollinated by a cauducous caprifig,none of the seedlings are persistant(will keep fruits without pollination),I mean none zilk,etc,it doesn't matter how many thousands of seedlings you are going to grow.
____When a common type Female fig pollinates with a Cauducous caprifig the seedlings will be:
1/3 males, mix,some persistent and some cauducous
1/3 Females ,Cauducous (need polination to persist)
1/3 Females,Common,persistent,but Usually all are inferior to mother plant in Quality

The information on the internet are sometimes not complete and confusing,yet Summary,the above information is what I could gather to be true,so if you insist on growing from seeds grow seedling from "Common fig seeds" ,only,and not from store bought Smyrna fruits.

Taken from here.

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