Silkiecuddles Chat Thread!!! ANYBODY welcome!!!

they're so uh cute!!
can't really see them. But I know they're cute. They're rabbits.
Theres at least 5. Yep.
Haha nope! Not now, at least. I'm gonna wait and save my money for some nice quality silkies.
Barred rocks, Delawares, RIRs, and Black Australorps are what I'm getting for now. My coop will be built into four sections and I'll keep the different breeds separated (there are only gonna be four or five of each breed), and I can breed pure BRs or pure RIRs, but if I want I can stick a RIR roo in another pen and get sex links.

You've probably told me already, but what breeds did you hatch?

Those are great breeds!

I hatched Mille fleur bantam Cochins from my birds. Three of them hatched.
I started with a dozen shipped tribble Serama and 1 of those hatched.
Those are great breeds!

I hatched Mille fleur bantam Cochins from my birds. Three of them hatched.
I started with a dozen shipped tribble Serama and 1 of those hatched.
Oh nice! I didn't know you had Mille Fleur! They're such pretty birds.
That's a bummer. It seems shipped eggs are always a gamble. hopefully the one that hatched is a pullet!

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