Silkiecuddles Chat Thread!!! ANYBODY welcome!!!






Teaching Textbooks owes me money. I found three typos one year.


Proof that everything counts :lol:

I love this post the first one is totally me unless they're animal people. Lol we had one of our cousin's new husband over for the 4th, only the second time we've ever met him, includimg the wedding and I'll be honest I was skeptical. Until he got out of the car upon seeing the chickens and promptly declared, "I wanna chicken!" And promptly ran off like a two year old to "catch" a chicken arms outstretched. Lol with our mixed flock out free ranging all over the yard the poor guy couldn't decide which direction to run and finally decided he wanted to hold a tiny gray silkie hen, named Lovey. Because of her little size I think they were both slightly intimidated by the other. Lol at 6' 6" the dude is tall. He grew up in the country and knew enough to not chase my flock but followed her around as she galloped away. Her crest impeded her vision and she was slightly nervous about this giant toddler following her arms still outstretched. Lol not going to lie I almost peed myself as our cousin and his new wife ran around the property saying come look at this one come look at this one! Lol I finally just walked over told him he could pick Lovey up and handed her to him he melted. Lol

They also found out they live in a town that does allow a few backyard hens. Lol I think chicks are in their future.

A short while later Cody, who had finally recovered from being a 6' 6" toddler heard we had a Great Dane in the house... To which he responded, "You have a Great Dane and I haven't seen it yet?!" Jumped a four+ foot tall stack of fireworks he was sorting and organizing and ran to meet me on the porch. Our dogs a sheltie and the Dane are generally not wary of strangers but take some time before allowing new people to pet them. They walked right up to him within 30 or less seconds.

Good enough for my chickens good enough for my dogs good enough for me. Now I can call him family lol my kinda people. :)

Sadly though since last I checked in here lots have happened and many birds have been lost including two days where we lost three birds a day to predators and several single loss days. We saw what we believe to be a rare golden eagle, huge fox, and what we believe to be a badger. It's been tough. We lost our lf slw roo (15 lbs), a slw hen, two broody chicks, 2 speckled Sussex pullets, a white Rock cockeral, my favorite silkie hen(bird like a puppy man do I miss my Ginger) and the sweetest roo ever my red partridge silkie roo, Kramer. We also had some very near misses involving birds plucked and missing feathers.

This has taken our silkie flock down from 4 adults and four chicks to 4 chicks and 2 adults. Our only mature rooster is currently a black OEGB, named Mickey. We purchased eggs from a breeder including silkie, lavender/split orp, and silver pencilled rocks that are due in two weeks I can't wait to see what colors silkies we have hatch out as the silkie flock is currently mixed. Considering I don't show and only want them to be pets I don't care very much right now about color. The four silkies we kept from the Easter hatch along all seen to be cockerals but I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. I keep going back and forth on them and considering Ginger mothered two of the four I'm not surprised it wasn't until she obviously squatted that we knew her gender and even then I thought I imagined it until the first egg. Ginger was also a stupendous layer, obviously the size was different but she began laying in the spring before the rest of the birds and layed nearly every day after starting. For so many many reasons she was special. Sadly all of Ginger's last eggs were not pure silkies but mixes(due to the time after the lf roo's death I believe they are Mickey's chicks)

We have also dealt with cocci for only the second time in over 100 chicks this year. 30 were affected 2 passed the rest made it through with a lot of TLC corid and worries.

Will keep you up to date on the hatch and all the goings on around here. Thanks for listening. :)
Chickendreams that story about your brother in law is quite funny. :lol: good thing he likes animals

:hugs so so sorry to hear about the predators and your losses :hugs .

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