silkies have weird eye issues....please help!!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 28, 2012
three of my silkies have dry skin on the ear part where it is fuzzy and have it all around eyes. I have a white one who's eyes are slightly swollen. I wasn't sure if it was Avian Influenza or just something normal. Just 2 days ago i had a barred rock who had the same stuff exept she had super swollen skin around her eyes and diarreah, and she had little white/cream colored bugs that were all over her face. we later had to put her to rest because of the fear it was contagious.
I am so worried for my flock! please help!!!

Lice and possible fowl pox infection. Use the search function on the site and it will bring up a bunch of threads on treatment.

The bugs are lice and the "dry skin" you're seeing are lice eggs. An advanced infestation can irritate their eyes and can kill a small chicken because they feed on the chicken's blood supply. There are several treatments for lice, but around the face and eyes, caution must be taken. I bathe any infested birds with flea and tick shampoo in the bath water and apply 2 drops of Advantage for dogs on the back of their necks. I also sprinkle diatomaceous earth and Sevin dust in their coops/roosts and dust bathing areas monthly and they take care of it themselves.
so if i bathe them it will get rid of the lice? how do i get rid of the lice eggs...i also want your opinion...i have my birds free-ranged right now, but when i had them in a run they didnt get all the illnesses that they have right birds have had worms and now lice...should i go back to putting them in a run?


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