Silkies in Washington State


Staff PhD
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 25, 2007
Everett WA/Corvallis OR
Looking for some pet quality silkies that are better than feed store chicks. Maybe show bird chicks that aren't fully developed show birds or like 4H type. Anyone have any ideas for the Seattle, Everett area with who I can find chicks or hatching eggs from? Thanks
I would prefer day old chicks because my incubator isn't the best at temperature regulation.
In addition, my concern about shipment of eggs is their low viability due to the distance they have to travel and the dangerous trucks they will be bounced around in. If shipping from very close I would be more apt to consider it.

As for color, anything other than white is great. Preferably maybe buff, splash, or partridge... but its not crucial. I care more about disposition, which is why I want to meet the parents if possible. I currently have three black silkies from the feed store but they aren't the best. They are a bit skittish, and one has 6 toes one has 4 toes, and the third has flecks of white everywhere even though all three were supposedly black.

Ohhh, I'm interested Napalongtail. Sent you an e-mail

If anyone else comes across this and has buffs in the area, I'd be interested in those too.
I guess I need a chicken train as I could sell 10 birds to the west side if I can get them over their. Working on it though with a friend who works by the university.
Hi I've got silkie babies about to hatch at the end of the month. As well I could help out on the chicken train as I work in Seattle night shift at HarborView Hospital. South bound in the mornings to Tacoma/Gig Harbor area.
Let me know. Expecting Black/Splash/White/Partridge/Buff/and Frizzles. Rainbows love them!!

Sorry to report but out of 18 eggs only 3 are still with us today
I ordered the eggs online and it is very hard to hatch even 50% of them. And even then they seemed to be very fragile after hatching. But I do have to say that a gal online through Ebay did over and above what I would expect from a seller. Her seller name is chickens4lu. I will give it another try this spring as I got better with other hatchings through the mail. But your right to try to find a seller at least on the same coast !! I too have a hard time finding good breeding stock through the hatcheries. I had hoped to find networking through this site and so far I've not been disappointed . I would love to hear of anyone with an experience with hatching shipped eggs and how they did as well. As I have found out it can be pretty expensive ordering online and not getting the birds...
Well got to get back to a cup of Java and a good book as I got the day off today!!
Have a great one yourself!!!!
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