Silkies Of A Different Color

oh! thank you! never heard of them before! Will have to look them up.
I wonder if I've got a gray partridge. See the two little partridge guys in this picture?. The color on the closest one is starting to turn rusty brownish like I would expect for a partridge at this age. These aren't my first partridge chicks but all so far of mine have ended up traditionally colored. Look at the partridge in the back- he's getting grayer- not browner.

This is #1 below- traditional partridge at 5-6 week- just starting to turn brownish

And this is Clive below - (actually I have no what sex he/she is but you got to call them something)
Absolutely no brown- getting grayer by the day.

So far all my partridge adults look something like this below, pretty traditional.

So do you think Clive is a gray partridge or do I just need be patient until he/she gets more plumage?
Love Partridges, they are the next silkie variety on my wish list. I have black, white, blue, and buff silkies, cochins, and wyandottes.
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What color do y'all think this silkie chick will be? It's actually much lighter than it appears here, and has some white on it's chest. Mother is black with a tiny bit of brown on the chest.

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