Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

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And some more pics of Smokey and chicks today..they finally came out of the coop - well the chicks all did and I had to encourage her to go out to them!
I only have one right now. She is half silkie and half Polish. She was actually an accidental hatch because I put her mom’s egg in the incubator thinking it was one of the Silkies at the time! She is a real sweetheart and one of my favorites. The upcoming chicks will be 3/4 Silkie and 1/4 Polish, so assume will look even more silkie-like. (50/50 chance of having silkied or smooth feathers). Hoping for some paint Polkies!
This is Kinoko, she has a gorgeous sheen to her feathers:View attachment 2862473View attachment 2862472View attachment 2862470View attachment 2862471
Some of these photos I have posted previously.😊

She is so pretty! 🥰
Puffs first is out, another pipping I see and 3rd one nothing yet..
These eggs are from Chino or Char hens and Biscuit or Cookie roosters. I was expecting more partridge but I guess the dark colour in mother is more dominant?

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Chino in background (was pecking chicks, Smokey isn't very protective unfortunately)
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And this is Char just in broody jail at mo. 2 broodies are enough at this time 😂.. I think she's trying to hatch her roosting piece of wood 😂
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Congrats on the new little!
Love the coloring on the new chick! Almost looks like chocolate.
Silly silkies will try to brood anything.🤣
Does anyone know of a good place to get Silkies or eggs from? I don’t have any more room in my flock right now, but in the future I’d like to get some decent layers and broodies. With the exception of one, all of mine that I’ve gotten locally haven’t laid many eggs (if any at all), and they haven’t gone broody. I only have one hen now, but she just turned a year old and still hasn’t laid an egg. (Not Silkie hating, just curious 😁)
Does anyone know of a good place to get Silkies or eggs from? I don’t have any more room in my flock right now, but in the future I’d like to get some decent layers and broodies. With the exception of one, all of mine that I’ve gotten locally haven’t laid many eggs (if any at all), and they haven’t gone broody. I only have one hen now, but she just turned a year old and still hasn’t laid an egg. (Not Silkie hating, just curious 😁)
Depends on where you live. Always best to find eggs and/or chicks close to where you are if possible. I got my original silkies from Alabama Silkies. Had eggs shipped all the way to Hawaii and 14/16 hatched. (Have not had the same luck with shipped eggs since). They do not ship chicks. I was quite pleased with the chicks that hatched. They have some satins in their mix, so you may end up with some. (I had one).
If you are on the West Coast I highly recommend Ranier Foothills Farm.
There are also many silkie breeders here on BYC! ❤️
Try posting here too:
I got some new pictures of the silkies the other day. Branch is now crowing and has settled into a routine. He crows every other morning and will only do it about 5 to 6 times before he comes off the roost. The rest of the time he is silent. They are still very bonded to their Marans brother who was a hatch mate. Lil Bit is especially close to him and of the 3 silkies she is the one who likes being handled the least. When you pick her up she will protest loudly for about 30 seconds before settling down. I try to respect her wishes and only handle her at night when I put her on the roost. At nighttime she is ok with being held for a few minutes. Tuesday though I noticed she had been pooped on and her crest needed cleaning. So much to her dismay that meant I had to catch her. Bubba her Marans brother was out in the front yard with the other 2 when I caught her. Lil Bit shrieked and within 5 seconds he came charging head down and hackles raised to protect his sister. When he saw that I had her he came skidding to a stop and watched as I cleaned her head. When I was done and let her go she ran right to him and he led her back to the other 2.

When your little it helps to have a larger body guard.

My buddy Branch

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