Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

Trying to get a head-count on silkie lovers...

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    Votes: 796 96.0%
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    Votes: 96 11.6%

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Poor Pumpkin hasn’t been feeling good. She had/has coccidiosis and got hurt by one of the roosters. Good news is, she’s already put on weight after being separated and started on CORID.

before treatment started ( Sunday )

and her weight yesterday
Glad she's feelin better! She's so cute!
Yeah, I’m glad too. She’s everyone’s little buddy and the only silkie in my flock. A bit dim, but still has personality. I recently found out she’s a broody bully. Other hens went broody and she would pick on them, lol.
Why didn't someone warn me that getting rid of your Silkies would be so....emotional? :hit

I made the HARD decision to get rid of mine. I really need to reduce the size of my flock and the Silkies just aren't really needed around here. I originally bought them to brood eggs for me, but then I discovered I have quite a few (too many, actually) broodies in my standard breeds PLUS my DH bought me an incubator.

So yeah, I've put them all up for sale and it's killing me.... :hit

I decided to keep a small flock of silkies (2 boys, 5 girls). just couldn't get rid of them. but I did get rid of bantam cochins and araucanas:hit I believe araucanas will be back when I move to my new place.
My shipped babies (well the 5 left 😔) seem to have black patchy feathers coming in so don't look plain coloured anymore which is good so I can tell them apart ☺️ .. hard to see in pics but there's random black splotches on most of them... Do you think they'll end up some sort of paint/ splash? What age can you really tell colours? One is greyish and another is more yellow, other 3 look sort of white with black splotches.
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Aww so cute! 🥰 I'd say with how the color is coming in splash is a good possibility. I'm not sure how long it really takes, some colors it can take over 6 months (like with some mille fleur it takes that long to get their "flowers").

6 weeks old today
mottled blue silkie
whatcha think...
Boy or girl?

Such a cutie! ❤️ With how raised that little comb is already I'd say more likely a boy but sometimes the girls get larger ones too.

Well the morning was a lot of chaos! We didn’t know what gate to enter, the “livestock office” where you check in was a trailer with a piece of paper taped to the outside that said Livestock Office 😆 Got there only to find out they’d moved the PHI tent so we had to reload, drive to the other end of the fairgrounds. Get PHI done then reload and drive all the way back. So we got there at 8:30 and finally had chickens in their pens at 10:15 😒 And insult to injury…today hit 102…so the chickens are all miserable! 😩 We sat them in front of fans for an hour this afternoon. We are all settled in now though but poultry isn’t till Friday! Thankfully temps drop almost 20 degrees tomorrow. Poor Sia and Cher are both a bit freaked out! Poor babies! Back at 6 am to clean…🧹🧽 💩

Aww well I hope everything goes well with judging tomorrow! I didn't have a good answer as to what is allowable with blacks but I think lighter underfluff is fairly common, hopefully just a fault if anything? I thought blue in the picture of her being washed and after but then black in the second set so I'm no help. 😅

So quick question does how much "hairdo" they have going on indicate gender of the bird because this one is in his/her own league compared to the others 🤣

I find the boys vs the girls usually get the starts of crests in similarly. The vaulted do seem to get more in faster and in my flock the vaulted are more often girls but that doesn't always apply.

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