silky smooth

silky smooth

In the Brooder
Mar 3, 2015
hey Y'all,
I have been on BYC for Years
, but left it while I was in the military, and forgot my log in and password.
! Since I am out on my own, and now living several states away, I figured I would just start fresh with this flock.

I am a farmers daughter, and a military brat, I left home to fight for my country, came back with PTSD. for the love of a little girl and a man( daughter and husband), I took on as caretaker of his family farm, several states over from my parents. I built a one stall barn, from the ground up, and brought my mare to live with me. i took a trip to visit my parents during hatching time my favorite time of year. my mom is a big time breeder. hundreds in the flock several breeds and mixes. so i never got attached. hatching time dozens and dozens of fluffy cottonball babies everywhere. cheep cheep. peep peep. one just couldn't finish the hatch. but he was still alive. my mom said he was too far gone. but, i stepped in anyway. i peeled away the bits of shell and got a warm wet cloth and cleaned up the little guy. he was so small and weak. i had my doubts. but i didn't give up on him. i stuck him into the tub with the others under the light. he had a little white patch on his head and the rest of him was black as night. when he was dry the black fluff was slick and glossy and the white stuck out in every direction and a name was formed on sight. i would call him Einstein.
this one was coming home with me. and so my love of chickens began.

just look at him now.

since Einstein i have aquired six red rock layers- Holly, Hilda, Mabel, Lacy, Tootsie, Georgia. easter egger/bantam- james my diva male with his dark rainbow , and jinx my sweet shy girl. silkies- cotton my white rooster calm and kind, and sunny my cuddly black hen. and a cochin frizzle rooster named frazzle these are my prize winning birds. and others that got eaten or died from escaping into inclimate weather. i have a dog, a cat, a gerbil, fish, and breeder bunnies. it's chick days again. i hope to get new chicks when i go inland to see my parents.

this is my chicken tractor, that awful looking, tarped contraption behind it is my winterized rabbit run.

front view:

the building and rails you see in the background is
my horse shed and paddock, pasture is detatched.
rear view:

meet the characters who live there.

my two silkies and my frizzle

they are very grown up now.

full bearded, ten toed white silky roo


ten toed black silky hen


Red Breasted rosecomb Banty hen


Old english Game banty roo

the black you see is sapphire and eggplant purple

james -his tail is teal/black emerald/black

Red Betty hens: full sized layers

Mabel, Lacy, Holly, Hilda, tootsie, Georgia
my camera is just not doing justice for these red beauties

if you care enough to notice all your birds have different
combs. it makes them easy to identify.







Einstein is a full sized phoenix cross


my newest additions.

Seabright Banty

Speckled Sussex banty roo

Speckled Sussex Banty hen

California White Banty- will update sex

full size Buff Orpington- will update sex

Lavender Silky/Buff Cochin cross hen

this is my horse shed

I am fixing to build a 60' x 100' barn with a personal indoor riding arena, then it's game on. I can't wait to start building!

plus 1 AQHA bay mare

you can see my soybeans beyond the pasture


this is my rabbit run in fair weather. i move it often to discourage successful digging escapes. throw down some hay, move in the hutches, and voila.

this is jack

the doe Cinnamon Toast

1 cat, sorry no photos, she's always hunting, will try harder to get a photo.

8 fish, in two tanks 1-150 gallon 1-50 gallon

1 gerbil, refused to wake up for photographs.

I have a 40' x 80' barn, the residents of which, I will hardly ever talk about. they are my sale animals, not my personal flock. the medical hold, quarantine, treatment area for all my animals is in here. I think it's better stocked than my vets office. lol. he hardly ever has to come out, and when he does, he doesn't bring anything out with him, making it a much faster response time.

edited to reflect breeds and correct spelling errors.
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Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! Have loved reading your intro and how you got started with chickens. Einstein has made a lovely bird even though his start was a bit precarious. Good luck with any new chicks you get when you go visiting.

Hope you enjoy BYC and all the chicken chat. I'm sure you will everyone very friendly here :frow
Good morning and welcome to BYC!

Einstein is a handsome guy, thanks for sharing a photo of him. Good luck with your birds. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Nice to have you join us!
So glad you decided to join us.

Thanks for sharing your story and photo of Einstein. He is one lucky rooster.

And thank you for your service to our country, so sorry about the PTSD. I cannot think of a better way to heal than what you are doing now.

Hope you enjoy the forums.
I would like to echo Sunflours sentiments - and thank you personally for your time in service. We have many vets on here and are very grateful to have them.
Welcome to BYC!
I'm glad you joined us.

Your Einstein is quite handsome! Good luck with him, and your other birds.
y'all sure know how to make a girl feel welcome.

of course you have probably figured out that i am here for a purpose. it means a lot to me to talk with other people that don't think "chickens are just chickens", and "nature will do as it wants, so why bother."
even growing up with fowl, like anyone else i run into problems.
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I'm glad you joined our community!

Good luck with your chickens and other animals! It sounds like you have a lovely flock.

I'm sorry to hear about Einstein's foot infection.
Hopefully, members in the Emergencies section can help.
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