Silve Laced Wyandotte comb issues!!!

I suppose patience is a virtue. ******... If he crows, he goes! So give it another month and Ill know you think? Where does one get a golden or blue laced?!
Thanks! I'll say a prayer for you then! Hopefully she will remain a she. I have 2 roos and I am hoping they continue to "play nice" because I like them both so much! I really like the coloring of the SLW, so pretty! Good luck!
The chicken in question makes noises that are similar to female turkey noises. I dont know if id call it a clucking or what. What does it mean?
At 16 weeks I say they would be crowing any time. Mine just started at 14, but its not regular yet. I'm unsure of the noises that are similar to female turkey noises, maybe just talking. I feel like those are "happy" noises. I got my BLW from McMurrary Hatchery. They have tons of breeeds!
Any update on the SLW? I have 2 SLW's, and I am wondering about 1 as well. I keep hoping it is a hen... I posted a picture of it a few weeks ago, and I got a response of roo... bu I am still in denial. We shall see. Just hit 16 weeks and no crowing, although, my other SLW has no comb to speak of yet, and the ??? one's comb grew a bit this week.... Still wondering.
Send picture of the two so I can compare. Do you only have 2 chickens? Or a coop full? Mine are now 20 weeks and they talk a lot in the morning when I go to the coop and of I disturb them while they're sleeping. And only one is laying. Are either of yours in lay?
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sorry it took me so long to has been crazy. I have 8 chickens.
1 ee hen, 1 ee roo (both 19 weeks)
2 silver laced wyandottes (18 weeks)
2 barred rocks (18 weeks)
2 black copper marrans (7 + months).

Only my marans are laying right now.

I will post a picture of the SLW's tonight. still no crowing except for th 1 ee roo who had looked like a roo for a long time!

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