Silver Falls Wild Horses RP ~~RESTART ~~

Akima watched Coffee and Killer

Lyric watched Cowboy while she grazed.


Star looked to Snowball, then around as she started to graze.
Once the fighting was over, Mage trotted off on her own. It had kind of felt like her efforts to help had been ignored. She had enjoyed her one on one time with Coffee but in a herd setting it kind of sucked. Maybe what she wanted was a one mare kibd of stallion. She walked down the bank to the creek and got a drink. she then waded knee deep into the creek
Napoleon smiled. "Wanna race?" he said.
Streak shook her head. "I would love to,but I winded myself. I would rather stay here with you."

Akima watched Coffee and Killer

Lyric watched Cowboy while she grazed.


Star looked to Snowball, then around as she started to graze.
(Did you all reply to the hole Coffee vs. Killer thing?)

Cowboy looked up and the sky. A whole day had passed and Chad would be here anytime soon.
(I think everyone has)

Lyric looked to Cowboy, then up at the sky. She shook her mane and looked around, watching for the human.

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