Silver Falls Wild Horses RP ~~RESTART ~~

Name: Kassie
Breed: quarter horse I think
Age: 5
Real family members:
Gender: mare
Herd: loner near The Mighty Ones
Rank; loner
History: was in a herd but once her mate breed her he left her
Colors/markings: C pic
Username: Prettyhorsez
ill get a better one soon
Any other info: is in foal due soon
Kassie grunted in pain as she knew the foal was coming soon. She heard hoof beats, mares, and stallions. She prickled her ears forwards. She was near The Mighty Herd ( have to go soon )
Salt saw the huge stallion and she bolted for her dam. Sugar screamed in fright, thinking he was another evil stallion. He bolted away from him, Salt quickly by her.

Malachai was never one for sneaking up and catching them unawares. His long legs ate up the distance in no time flat and ploughed into Napoleon. He turned and screamed into the other stallion's face and snorted. The run hadn't even left him breathing hard. He stood between the mares and the stallions, baring his teeth at the stallions. Daring them to try and fight him. Now that he was closer you could see numerous scars running over his body.
Malachai was never one for sneaking up and catching them unawares. His long legs ate up the distance in no time flat and ploughed into Napoleon. He turned and screamed into the other stallion's face and snorted. The run hadn't even left him breathing hard. He stood between the mares and the stallions, baring his teeth at the stallions. Daring them to try and fight him. Now that he was closer you could see numerous scars running over his body.

Salt and Sugar stood from the distance, watching him. Sugar silently hoped Malachai would fight and beat Napoleon.

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