Silver Falls Wild Horses RP ~~RESTART ~~

Kai moved ahead of him, seeing the mare. Her tail flicked back and forth, slightly irritated that he hadn't gotten it. She whinnied to the mare when she got closer. "Hello." She said in greeting.

" hi. My nAms is Kassy." Kassy said. She snorted as she felt the foal kick.
"I'm Kai. And the tired bean head that's somewhere behind me is Killer. You look like you are about to pop." Kai said in reference to Kassy's large stomach from the foal. Maybe someday she'd look like that, with a foal inside of her.
"I'm Kai. And the tired bean head that's somewhere behind me is Killer. You look like you are about to pop." Kai said in reference to Kassy's large stomach from the foal. Maybe someday she'd look like that, with a foal inside of her.

" nice to meet you both." Kassy said. " ya. Pretty soon s/he will be due" she added
"So what are you doing out here all by yourself? Where is your herd?" She asked curiously. Being as close as she was, she should've been finding a nice secluded spot to have it. She whinnied for Killer, wondering what was taking him so long.
"So what are you doing out here all by yourself? Where is your herd?" She asked curiously. Being as close as she was, she should've been finding a nice secluded spot to have it. She whinnied for Killer, wondering what was taking him so long.

" oh I don't have a herd anymore. I use to be in a herd but once he breed me my lead stallion left me." Kassy explained, then looked around for Killer.

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