Silver Falls Wild Horses RP ~~RESTART ~~

Cara smiled and returned to grazing.

Akima nickered back

Star smiled and walked over to nuzzle him.
name: Casting Star
breed: quarter
Age: 6

Real family members: Blazing Glory
gender: mare
herd: loner
rank: loner
history: use to be a race horse with her sister but then her owners sold her 2 someone who released them into the wild. got separated from her sister
mate: no one
Colors/Markings: see pic
your username: PH

any other information:

name: Blazing Glory
breed: quarter
Real family members: Casting Star
gender: mare
history: same as Casting Star
rank: loer
herd: loner
Colors/Markings: see pic
your username: PH

any other information:
Casting Star woke up from a long nap. With a grunt, she stood up. She snorted and shook her mane. She grazed for a few moments then began to walk.


Blazing Glory approached a small pond. She sniffed it and checked her surroundings. She whinnied deeply and began to drink.
Mage woke up from her nap and looked around. She yawned and let her head rest back on the ground, not seeing anything to interest her.

Kai looked at the other horse, then towards Killer who appeared to be taking a nap again. "Yeah, I met him recently and for the moment we are running together. Its easier with two than it is with just one." She told her thinking how rough it must be to be pregnant and on your own.

Nyx continued to play with Dez. Ramming her head into his shoulder and then going of, bucking and rearing and dancing likr she had a pack of wolves nipping at her heels

Nightshade stayed still while Velvet hungrily drank in the life sustaining milk. When he was done, she moved on to start grazing a small patch of sweet grass.

Malachai wandered off, quietly grumbling to himself about other stallions and shaking his head repeatedly. While his leg was sore, it wasn't bothering him so much as earlier and he walked on it fine, refusing to show that he was hurt
Killer awoke and sighed. He glanced over at the mares. He saw that they were having 'ladies time' and would be unwise to disturb them.

Cara watched Sugar, Northwest and Salt curiously

Flicka nickered and shook her mane

Lyric nickered and went to see if she could get another apple from the trees.

Akima raised her head and looked around the herd, quietly

Star nickered to Snowball
Caleb nickered back and pawed the ground. It was boring here,but here was where the mares wanted to stay.

Cowboy looked up at the apples above him. He lept up and tried to grab the branch.

Napoleon stopped grazing for a second and lifted his head. He whinnied to Streak.
Streak jerked her head up and nickered back. She looked around the herd.

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