Silver Laced Orpingtons (LF)

Well everyone I'm very sad to say that I have lost both of my Silvers. RIP One was dead then today the other was dead in a nest bow I just don't know what to do.
oh no!  What symptoms did they have?  That is crazy sad.

Hey, (hugs) you really have to let the breeder know!! That is a very expensive investment to lose both so soon after receiving them. If she offers you day olds, take it! As for where ever they were kept, you need to clean and sterilize. Do NOT keep the new chicks in the same set up (well you will have them in a brooder...) oh go to the thread called "Momma Heating Pad" to learn about a very natural brooder alternative to heat lamps. I am positive it is going to be the choice I am using. So far it has been super successful with better survival averages, better growth and feathering and the only thing I can think of which would be better would be a live Broody Hen. Everyone on that thread are believers and have their own versions of the same setup and will help you. I have a few ideas of my own for my artificial broody hen (it is called the MHP, for Momma Heating Pad, and The cave) I am lining the bottom of my MHP with Swiffer duster refills to mimic feathers.
oh no! What symptoms did they have? That is crazy sad.
They had no symptoms at all! Thats what supprises me! I can't find one bite mark nore any think wrong with their body funtictions! They were eating and drinking right before they died! I have contacted the breeder and she is working a deal with some day olds due to hatch tomorrow! I'm so excited!!! Its been hard but I'll push back harder :D Nothing is gonna intimidate me!
Alright everyone! I have good news. She is gonna send me 3 new chicks! I only have to pay for shipping $30 and she was willing to send me 2 more chicks for $100 for both! But I'm not sure if I should get them. I may just buy eggs!
This is a cross post...but...silver laced chocolates? How? Besides shipping them accross the world? LOL

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