Silver Laced Wyandotte gender?

At 7 weeks the comb isn't very red. I've had a lot of yellow-combed pullets with big combs
First one is a pullet, and if the second one gets any redder I'd say roo but the angles kinda hard to tell xD right now I'm not even gonna bother guessing. Hehe
Haha. Well I'm not sure yet either. The only difference between them is the comb is different. I have an Amber Link hatched the same day that also has a straight comb, and it's the same size and she's a pullet.

When it comes to the two SLW, they are built the same, feet are the same, tails appear to be the same, but the combs are different and the chick in question has a whiter head.

Ehh...guess I'll just have to be patient.
(yeah right! What does that mean?)
Hey folks. So the chicks are about 10 weeks old now. I just wanted to update you on them. I still think I have two pullets, though one's the single comb, one is a rose comb. Here are some pictures taken yesterday of the original bird in question. (I was fully zoomed in on my iPhone so they are a little blurry.)

Let me know what you all think!

I forgot to add that the comb isn't much bigger than it was a few weeks ago. It's a little but more red, but it is still in line with my Amber Link pullet's single comb. A little fatter than the other SLW, but same shape. All my other cockerels had a much bigger comb by this age.
Yep, cockerel. That coloring is a giveaway for a rooster. Rose combs don't get as large as fast as straight combs, but that color is all male. Also notice how he's built different, he's meatier and just has a different stance than a hen. Sorry.
This one has a single comb, which is about the size of the Amber Link's. I'll get some better pictures. Lol.

That friggin' sucks if it is a boy. :/ Just when I think I have all my roosters picked out.
Here's more of the two together. They are the same size, with same size legs, both low to the ground, and have about the same redness/waddle development.


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