Silver Laced Wyandotte sexing

Hi! I have two SLW chicks that are only 3.5 weeks old but I'm pretty sure Mia here is Milo... S/he looks a lot different from my other SLW, JoJo, who has a more brownish comb and much longer tail feathers and even coloring.

Here is Mia- I can see wattles already at 3 weeks here. And the comb is much pinker than my other chick. Also lots of chest bumping with one of my EEs I also suspect is a roo.

And here is JoJo - feel confident she is a pullet. Very friendly and a big eater :)

We can have roosters but I'm really hoping no more than one of my hatchery chicks is a roo!!
Roos or hens? SLW - They're not far from laying age, and while can't seem to resign myself to the fact that all ten of my 'straight run' chicks are likely Roos somehow, I want your opinions before I take the rest of the slw to freezer camp. Just click the pics to make them larger.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Next chickens I get will be pullets or laying hens, I'm not going through this raising chicks thing again, unless I hatch them myself. :(

Help please!!! I need help determining the sex of my SL Wyandotte? We already have two confirmed roosters out of our 4 sexed chickens!! She is 9 weeks old. If she's a roo, he will have to go!! :(


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