Silver Laced Wyandotte sexing

I had 5 SLW I got them last year 2012 for Easter, I had guessed 2 males and 3 females from feather's, and then later I was right the males get their crown, and beards, before the girls. and as in SLW well they didn't really get their tear drops till they where allot older. that shows up later dint worry if you where told you have SLW you most likely have them.their awesome, and I haven't had Chickens before I really enjoy them now I have 3 female and one male at a year I can say the male is a little more aggressive then he was before.. he never would come after me now he getting a little more like coming up behind me sneaky like. but they listen, and I baby them, i love animals, and these guy are all fat, I feed them way to much, and treats, and other things, but there awesome I would like to bring the Broody back in mine slowly, and see them really do the job, right now i have a silky to try to do it for them, and I made an incubator. i have a SLW that seems to go into Broody then she comes out others that have them say they'll lay on the eggs then they'll jump off half way through the 21 days.. I 'vie herd, not sure.
Is it possible for a 7 week old pullet to have irredescent feathers on her wings or do I definitely have a cockerel ?
Is it possible for a 7 week old pullet to have irredescent feathers on her wings or do I definitely have a cockerel ?
Is it possible for a 7 week old pullet to have irredescent feathers on her wings or do I definitely have a cockerel ?
Zigmont, if you have a photo of your chick it would help. Hopefully someone else here could help you I mean, as I'm still baffled by my two SLW chicks. Mine are around 11 weeks old now and looking feminine to me, so I'm hopng they are girls, but I'm still concerned about the one that got the red comb and wattles so young. My Cuckoo Maran and Brown Leghorn roosters were obvious when they were much younger, so hopefully if one of the SLWs was a rooster it would be apparent by now, but we'll see.
Zigmont, if you have a photo of your chick it would help. Hopefully someone else here could help you I mean, as I'm still baffled by my two SLW chicks. Mine are around 11 weeks old now and looking feminine to me, so I'm hopng they are girls, but I'm still concerned about the one that got the red comb and wattles so young. My Cuckoo Maran and Brown Leghorn roosters were obvious when they were much younger, so hopefully if one of the SLWs was a rooster it would be apparent by now, but we'll see.

hanks. here are my two with some of their barred rock and EE friends. If anyone knows those breeds, any feedback about their sex would be greatly appreciated. this bunch is tough! some days I think I have all hens, and suddenly I look and think I have 7 roosters! They are about 8 weeks now. None have any waddles or red combs.

Wendy top, Lacey bottom. Lacey is the one who has some iridescent green feathers.






Wendy in back


In keeping with the "who's-a-roo?"'s my contribution. My wife is convinced Petrie here is a roo...though I'm not convinced. Any input? Thanks!
Perhaps I should also have mentioned, Petrie is 7 weeks old. And is a good bit smaller than our BSL of the same age. Thanks for the reply, even if I'm hoping you're wrong ;) anyone else?

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