Silver laced wyandottes sexing


7 Years
Mar 11, 2014
I have 6 straight run silver laced wyandottes that we purchased from TS. They're about 5 weeks old and I THINK I have 4 girls and 2 boys. What do you guys think?
Ugh, it's not letting me upload for some reason.
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Having issue with my account so I made a new one real quick. Here they are. They're hatchery birds and from what I've read from several searches a lot of breeders breed straight comb into the wyandottes to increase fertility.
I created a new account because something is going wrong with my other one. Here they are, they're hatchery stock and from my understanding a lot of breeders breed in single comb to help with fertility.
I created a new account because something is going wrong with my other one. Here they are, they're hatchery stock and from my understanding a lot of breeders breed in single comb to help with fertility.

Theres 2 roos the first pic and the one under it. And i think they look ugly with single combs but if your not breeding it wont matter. Don't expect to get eggs out of them this year.
Are you sure they're SL Wynadottes? Think you may have something else of a mix of some kind (the joys of feed store purchases). The 1st picture of two are Cockerels. The row of six going from left to right, I'm guessing 1, 2, 3, 5 are Cockerels 4, 6 Pullets....I could be wrong.
They're wyandottes, they had a mix of different variety wyandottes though. They're hatchery stock so I don't expect them to be too true to breed. I won't be keeping roos so I could care less about the comb lol.

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