Singing Amerucana


12 Years
Oct 3, 2007
Scenic Verbank, NY
Funniest thing tonight was putting the chickens to bed and listening to a singing hen. She was roosted up, looked very calm, but was singing. A little HoooHummmm ditty.

I thought it was the sweetest thing until I realized there is also a little chest rattle. Could the singing be a sign of something not so sweet?
I would think that only the rattle is something to watch, not the singing. What is your weather like? Age of birds? Any new birds brought in lately? Any nasal discharge or facial swelling? Are they eating OK?
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1 3/4 old bird, no new birds in past six weeks, seems to be eating fine, no facial swelling nor discharge. Didn't hear rattle tonight, nor the singing. It's been hovering around 20- 50 for the past week or so, but tonight drops into single digits.

Maybe she was just happy and wanted to sing? Cute little ditty too and rather catchy. Woooo HOOOO
Uh-oh . . . could she be having thoughts of knitting tiny chicken booties? Maybe she's getting brooooooody . . . .

BTW, very, very cute!
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