Singing egg song, now what?


9 Years
Apr 20, 2010
Larkspur, CO
My RIR sang one egg song two days ago. Today, she sang it 3 times in a row, so I went over to where she was hanging out, but no egg? How long was it between the first egg song and your first egg? I would like to get an idea of the range of time. Thanks!
They can sing it when startled or excited too. The only reliable sign I've found is the "squat." It seems about 2 weeks after they squat for me, the eggs start coming.

You can also feel the pelvic bones when they're getting wide enough to pass an egg, but it took an experienced chicken keeper to show me. I couldn't ever figure out what to feel for by reading how to do it.

If she's got her big girl voice and is using it, I bet you'll see eggs any day!
I might explode if this takes another month
They free range, so I am checking their hangout spots every day (several times a day to be honest). There is an awesome nest someone made in a big bunch of grass and it would be so easy to reach. I can't believe I am so obsessed about this first egg! No squatting yet, but I will look for that behavior.
This kind of expectant behavior (on your part) will probably go on indefinitely. The urge to check multiple times per day will become habit, and you will marvel repeatedly over the hen fruit you find. What? Ohhhhh. . . you meant the behavior of the birds???? Yeah. What THEY said. :::::nodding vigorously:::::::

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