Single chick

99.5 is too hot even for a 1 day old. 95º at most for the first week. Also, there needs to be an area they can go where it's not hot. What is your heat source? Can you raise the lamp or put a smaller bulb in?
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I raised it and it's now 84. They are both laying side by side now. They are in a pretty large cardboard box. Like 2' by 3'
They are both breathing normal
If you post a pic, people may be able to tell you what kind of bantam it is....
Ok I will try to post a pic
The lamp is on one corner. The younger one was up eating a while ago but the older was laying down. Breathing seemed normal and wings weren't spread out like before. Head was down with beak to the ground. Is that normal? It looked asleep.

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