Single hen

Cathy Roberts

5 Years
Jun 23, 2018
England, Arkansas
My husband and I are planning to eliminate some roosters and we want to know if it would be alright to raise one hen by herself. The roosters are about to kill her and there are 5 of them.
Five roosters to one hen is way too many! Please separate her quickly before they do kill her. It is possible to raise on hen alone, but they are flock animals and should be with other birds. Can you buy some chicks or older chickens even? Before then you can put a mirror in with her to keep her company.
I agree, separating her will probably save her life. She probably won't be happy alone for long though.
My parents lost one of their two hens to predation and I was able to find them a companion chicken, a half grown bird, by asking in an online classified ad. Integration took a little time, but it helped her out of her depression. If you choose to raise chicks, be sure to get pullets and reduce your odds of more roosters. It sounds like your poor girl needs some friends. You might also research breeds by friendliness, as some may be better than others as companions for a downtrodden bird.
I agree, separating her will probably save her life. She probably won't be happy alone for long though.
My parents lost one of their two hens to predation and I was able to find them a companion chicken, a half grown bird, by asking in an online classified ad. Integration took a little time, but it helped her out of her depression. If you choose to raise chicks, be sure to get pullets and reduce your odds of more roosters. It sounds like your poor girl needs some friends. You might also research breeds by friendliness, as some may be better than others as companions for a downtrodden bird.
Thank you for your help!
Five roosters to one hen is way too many! Please separate her quickly before they do kill her. It is possible to raise on hen alone, but they are flock animals and should be with other birds. Can you buy some chicks or older chickens even? Before then you can put a mirror in with her to keep her company.
We're going to get rid of most of the roosters today. Thinking about keeping one that is pretty friendly. He seems to be kind of an outcast from the others. We have a miror for them right now. We hope to get some more chicks, but don't have a place to put them right now.
Many people where I live start their flocks with a male and female pair. It can take some time due to the broodiness of the hen. This does however give one a chance to get to know your chickens before the chicks arrive which can be a great help.

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