Singled out


In the Brooder
9 Years
Nov 3, 2010
Rincon Ga
I recently adopted a group of 5 hens and one of them has a disability regarding her feet....never stopped her but 3 days ago they ganged up on her and pecked all the feathers off of her head and past the point of blood and gave her a badly swollen eye. She had since isolated herself to the coop and i have been bringing her food and water. Today she ventured out and joined the group again and shes back to beaten and bloody. What to do?
BigDaddy'sGurl :

Separate her until she is completely healed. A large pet carrier or dog crate would work well.

I agree and if the leg problem is really serious, you may have to cull her, or separate her on a permanant basis. Chickens can be really sweet when all is well, but they can be vicious when they find weakness in one of the other birds. Culling her may be the more humane thing to do.​

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