Sitting on eggs then leaves them to get cold


11 Years
Jun 1, 2008
Ohio near Coshocton
One of my pretty little hens decided she was going to dig out a nest in the hay back where I can't hardly reach and sit on some eggs. She left the nest for so long the eggs were stone cold - its in the 30's outside. Does this mean they were not fertile? She left them for hours. And I had to lay in the floor of the coop and crawl to her hiding spot. I never thought a hen could fit back there.
If they didn't crack, they didn't completely freeze.. they may still be viable. Consider confining her to a dog crate, or a large tupperware where she will be encouraged to stay on the nest.. remember to let her out a few times a day to eat/poop/drink/socialize....
Thank you for the help! ((hugs)) I'll keep an eye on her and see whats she's going to do. I'd love to have some itty bitty chickies!!!! Dh can't say anything if I didn't buy them online! My flock may increase yet!
And he will never know!
It's a bit early in the year. Maybe her body temp dropped and broke the broody cycle. She'll probably get broody for real when it warms up a bit. That would be better for the chicks, too. I'd just let her be and see what she does.

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