Sizzle chick

68 Hollywood

9 Years
Mar 20, 2010
Hide your chickens Tx.
We purchased a sizzle from Craigs list. The owner had hatched some eggs from a breeder.

The chick is 7 weeks old and I am wondering what meds I should give it? It will share a coop with one other chicken and will free range in our backyard.
good to hear. I was afraid they could be exposed to some avian diseases from wild birds feeding in the yard. I was thinking hatchery birds were dusted for some kinds of avian viruses and our Sizzle would not have been.
I've never heard of hatcheries dusting birds for disesases. They will vaccinate if you ask them to, but they don't do it as a general rule. Enjoy your new sizzle. I'm jealous!

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