Sizzle Rooster pecked almost to death by turkeys


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 3, 2013
Northern California
Hello, this is my first time posting. I love this site.... always has the best information!
That being said.... my poor little Sizzle Rooster "Elvis" was pecked nearly to death by my 2 Turkeys that somehow managed to get into my bantam pen. I didnt even think he was alive when I found him untill I noticed some very shallow breathing. I couldn't bring my self to finish him off so i thought id see if he would make it.. put him in a box and a few hours later her was sort of standing, so I knew i had to try and save him. ALL his head feathers are gone, he was a bloody swollen mess. I couldn't see any holes in his head just very swollen & bloody. I cleaned him up & applied Blue Kote. Hes in a box in a warm spot of the house. Heres my problem. Its been roughly 48 hrs & he wont eat or drink on his own. I am giving him some watery mashed up food with a syringe and water the same way also. He wont open his eyes (maybe from swelling?) & just sort of bobs his head around when hes in his box. Also he seems to be struggling to stand... keeps shuffling backwards into the corner of the box.. im guessing to sort of keep him self propped up. & when I pick him up he has a hard time holding his head up just sort of hangs. He does seem to have some strength however. Im afraid of possible brain likely is that? Any advise is welcome... I love this bird... doing anything to save him. Thanks

Oh & by the way.... the turkeys are now in the freezer!!!
He may be in shock from the attack. I'm no expert, but I'd give him some save-a-chick electrolyte. I try and keep some on hand at all times for emergencies.... Also, the small needleless syringes. Since he can't see to drink, just drip it onto his beak or into his mouth. Keep him warm and quiet and hope that he makes it through the night. Good luck.
Thanks CarolinaSkies. I just got him to eat about half a syringe full of mash (softened chicken feed in electrolytes and egg yolk) and while I had to put it to his beak i didnt have to force feed him & he peaked his eye open at me for a split second. & seems a little fiestier than he did this morning. I know hes far from in the clear but makes me hopefull :)

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