Skin Problem

I personally use Sevin dust available at Tractor Supply, Lowe's, Home Depot, and most other gardening stores.

Dust around the vent and under each wing. Repeat in seven days. Repeat *again* in another seven days. Three treatments - seven days apart.

Also clean out and dust your coop and roost pole, as eggs can hatch and re-infest everything.

DE is ineffective as far as parasite control in concerned.

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VetRx, sold at most feed stores.
Also, from time to time I hear her making a weird breathing sound out of her nostrils. Is that normal? It's just a quick puff of air that I can hear her breathing.
It looks like she's either pulling her feathers out, she's molting, her feathers are burned off from being around ammonia, or she could have lice/mites.

As for the breathing, if you hear wheezing, gurgling, sneezing, or see bubbly eyes or dripping nostrils, she could have a respiratory disease.

Is she still eating and drinking normally?


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