Skinny chicken, I think it's worms?

pam i am

7 Years
Apr 25, 2015
Hi all,
My sweetest chicken, Miss Checkers has been losing weight. Her comb is dull and she hasn't been laying but I chalked it up to moult and not laying in winter. Her weight loss has become pronounced enough she feels lighter than my 8 week old chicks. She is an Easter eager and has always been my smallest. She walks around the yard but doesn't stay with my other two hens anymore and is first to roost at night. Her crop feels somewhat full but soft in the evenings and is empty in the morning. She will still eat some but isn't overly interested in any treats other than yogurt and meal worms. Her poop is watery. Her breath smells normal. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance for your help, I love all of my girls but she is by far my favorite. It would kill us to lose her.
I feel like this could be worms.

When was the last time you wormed your flock?

Also, have you checked her for lice/mites and their eggs at the base of the feather shafts around her vent?

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She does not have mites. I've searched her and vent. We also use DE in food and bedding. Seems unlikely?

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