Skinny chickens?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 10, 2007
Hello everyone, I have a question. I have 19 standards and 14 bantams, the big ones are in a big pen of their own, same as the bantams, everyone gets fed twice a day, grower food since they are about 16 weeks old or so and I plan to switch them to layer pellets when they reach 20 weeks. (If thats not okay, let me know) The question I have is the bigger ones and some of the bantams seem to light weight and their breast bone seems to be sticking out somewhat, like I said I feed morning and evening and they always have food left over the next morning and in the evening when the second feeding time comes around. Could they have some problems that I'm not aware of? Even though they are healthy looking and acting? They all appear to be healthy and happy anyway. I bought them from Orchelins, a local farm supply store as day old babies and I never lost a single one. I did however go back at a later date and bought some Black Crested Polish and lost 5 of them. But that was right off the bat when that happened back in March.
Thanks for any help you can offer. I just don't want them to be sick and I know hungry isn't the problem since they always have food in their bin constantly.
Well, if they look otherwise healthy, it is possible that the skinny ones are lower on the pecking order and getting chased from the food dishes. It is also possible that the skinny ones are naturally skinnier. How bad is it? If their breast bone makes a v, they are fine, now if the bony part feels more like you could hold it with a pencil, then you have a problem.
Thank you so much, it's a V. I also think that the rooster is chasing them constantly (if you know what I mean) hehe, the poor guy is gonna wear himself out. I have more than 1 rooster in the flock but this one in particular just won't let a hen rest. He's a Buff Orpington. They were all suppose to be pullets but thats okay, they all have a good home. I do feed them grass and some table scraps daily. I can't let them free range because of the neighbors dog but I am in the country.
Thanks again

No I have not. Where do I get wormer? Is is a liquid? I've not seen any worms. Can you even see them? I guess I should pay a visit to my local feed store.
Thanks for your help,
You can use food grade DE in their feed, bedding and runs. It is all natural and will help keep them parasite free. I do not use worming medications.
Thanks I will get DE and use that.
Mine are about the same age as yours and appear to be going through an "awkward teenager" stage. They get fed chick crumbles and scratch 24/7, and only get fed treats about once every other day, as well as getting DE in their dust baths. The feeder is big enough that they can all eat at once if they want, but the chickens who are high up on the pecking order are still kind of dorky and thin, whereas they used to be broader and fuller in the chest. I think it's just a phase they are going through--they are a lot longer and taller than they used to be, too.
i got it - you feed once in the morning and once in the evening- just leave the food out there they can feed them selves
Thanks, thats what I do. When I go back in the evenings to feed again there is always food left from the morning and vise-versa.


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