skinny sicilian buttercup no eggs


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 18, 2009
Bend, OR.
I'm getting very worried about our hen.

-9 month old sicilian buttercup
-eats and drinks normally
-still social but a bit less energetic
-still the boss (pecking order wise)
-wings have been droopy for about two weeks, one wing looking very thin and spinny
-picked her up today and she's very very skinny. She was freaking out when i was inspecting her and something sounded like 'dislocated', when i put her down she walked and continued normally
-Hasn't layed an egg in about 3 weeks
-NO sign of mites or lies
-her poop is very dark (grenish black) and a bit runny
-we feed her leyena pellets and cracked corn. She still loves her yogurt with oatmeal every other day.
-introduced two new hens about 1 month ago and they all seem healthy and friendly.

No cedar shaving around, not too cold, their coop has a timed light and a heat lamp that goes on when temps drop below freezing. Doesn't feel like she's egg bound. (not sure)

Lots of love.

I'm gonna start deworming her today. I've read about cayanne pepper in the feed, garlic in the water and pumpkin seeds. I think I will try a combination or these natural remedies (and let the whole flock be part of it)
Should I be tougher and go get some deworming medicine at the pet and feed store???

Again, even though she is very skinny and her wings are looking shabby, she keeps her energy level at about 80% and eats and drinks. I really want to save this bird!
For her specifically I'd go ahead and administer some wormer. Wazine 17 (or any off brand that contains piperazine) will help kill any roundworms, which tend to be more common in poultry. Be sure to dose her again within the recommended time frame to help kill any new larve. I believe the "popping" you felt is her joints, which is more noticable since she's lacking muscle mass and adipose tissue to cushion them. If she had actually broken something you'd notice a change in how she carried herself. The droopy wings are caused by muscle weakness because she's not able to absorb all of the vitamins and minerals from her food due to the potential parasites she's carrying. Keep feeding her as you are and she should come around, as long as she's maintaining a healthy appetite and drinking.

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