Skunk vs raccoon.


11 Years
Aug 31, 2008
Humboldt County, CA
So, I lost a BO probably a month or so ago to what I THOUGHT was a raccoon. We put out a trap and have only managed to catch two skunks so far (a juvenile and an adult).

Why I thought I was dealing with a raccoon:
1. The night before the fatal attack, my husband awoke to some serious squawking, turned on the light and looked outside and saw what he said was a raccoon running along the fence.
2. The dead chicken was intact with the insides eaten out.
3. Talked to my neighbor who has ducks and he said he had been trying to rid his attic of a raccoon.

I did yell over the fence at the above-mentioned neighbor a little over a week ago and he said he hadn't seen the raccoon "in awhile" so who knows what the deal is with that.

Will a skunk eat the insides out of a chicken? I thought they usually went for the head. Also, do skunks live in groups or are they more solitary? I really don't want any more skunks. lol

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