
I don't know if it's a skunk or not but a raccoon usually has his fingers spread and his thumb out. Unless it's his back foot, then maybe it's kind of hard to spread your toes.
Both will look very similar, but I was thinking coon too. I say that because you said the trap was thrown around while the animal tried to get the bait. that sounds more like a coon to me. They can get their paws through the holes in those live traps and clean out an enitre can of cat food. Had it happen a bunch of times. Try putting your trap back out, but this time put something on tope to weight it down and also put things (I use logs) around the outside to stop them from being able to get through the bars to your bait. If I am right and it's a coon try some marshmallows int he trap. It should keep you from catching another cat, they don't like sweet stuff.

I caught a skunk yesterday.....that was an interesting adventure!

Ok, i'll try the marshmellows. I guess i was thinking skunk 'cause our cat got sprayed TWO times. (not the smartest cat) it was really gross. He is a white cat so he looked greenish.
The other cats wouldn't let him in the barn! We did put a cinder block on it to weigh it down. What do you usually do with skunks?
My Anatolian girls have been killing at least 1 skunk almost every night for the past few weeks. I guess having 2 big, stinky dogs is better than a bunch of dead chickens.
Most people shoot them and bury them. Even a buried skunk carcass will attrack coyotes and fox so be careful where you bury. As for my last skunk.....well I've been fur trapping this winter so I skinned it. That's why I said it was an adventure! Not as bad as you would think, but ya gotta know what yer doing.
We just got a light snow fall, just perfect for tracking!!!!! My and my brother tracked the tracks to the live trap...the bait AND THE DISH...were gone. The tracks stopped. we turned around, and followed them backwards. It led to the hay barn. (no hay there right now, just wagons) It has tracks leading from but not to. There is A LOT of holes in there, could it be taking up residence in one?

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