

11 Years
May 12, 2008
blue rock west virginia
last pm , i was just relaxing after dinner and i forgot to close up the hen house so i ran down quickly to do just that .You see it was DARK already !! yikes !
I hurried to the hen house and got the girls in and as i was turing to leave i saw the evil lurking skunk , it was just a meer 50-75 feet away . It was a small one and did not spray , it went away as i left to get the "varmit " gun, and of course it was gone when i returned.
darn it ####****
now i have to beef up security >
moral of this ....................
do not forget to close the hen house.

has anyone here ver used the auto door openers???
just FYI
Wow!! I had the same event last night. I waited a bit longer than normal to close the coop door and when I went out chickens were squawking and skunkie was inside the coop looking out at me!! I prayed I wasn't going to get sprayed, ran to the back of the house and made a lot of noise. I guess he left, cuz I peaked in a few minutes later (cautiously) and no skunk. He went in to eat eggs I'm sure. If you close the door before dark, the skunks aren't up yet.
o chickenannie , that is way too coincidental!!!!
i may try to lve trap him her tonight , i was worried about being sprayed , but i just read that if you cover up the trap while the skunk is sleeping , they might not spray ?
of course i could always get Dh to shoot , but then it would prob spray for sure ?
anyway that must have been scary if the skunbk was IN the hen house , i guess they like eggs , mine are not laying yet .i do not trust the veil skunk and will kill it at first chance now , tonight maybe !
Good luck! I am a city girl living in the country and I don't know how to deal with traps and such. I will just let skunkie live, but will close the henhouse earlier. Afterall it's been 3 years of us all living together and this is only the 2nd time I've seen him. I think he doesn't want to be around humans.
My one dog got sprayed the other night at 11:30. I had let them out for their night time potty break at 11, and they didn't come back until 11:30, one of them got sprayed.

So dh and I made up the skunk spray concoction and had to give the dog a bath. i was soo tired, i just wanted to goto bed, and leave it for themorning. But then I thought of that smell in the garage all night. I haven't had any concerns about skunks near my henhouse though.

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