

In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 27, 2013
so I have never had a predator problem in the past. I have neighbors with dogs on all sides which seem to keep coons and such away. I have not had to lock up my chickens and ducks in over a year. Last night my dog got sprayed by a skunk and this morning my chicken was missing 2 of her babies. I was semi awake when dog got sprayed but I heard no sounds of distress from my birds. When changing my duck kiddie pool water I found 1 chicken in the bottom and 1 not a foot away from the pool. My Question is do predators like skunks or raccoons feed by water? its possible that the 1 baby fell in but both being dead by pool seems odd to me. My thinking was my dogs scared the predator off leaving his meal behind. Any thoughts?

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