Sleeping for days

Dan B

In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 8, 2011
I have a RIR that has been lethargic and sleeping for over three days now. She will some times wake up and stretch but just nods right back off. She looks drugged. She's not taking care of herself and looks very rough too. She is not eating, pooping, preening or laying any eggs. She just sleeps standing up. Should I just let her run the corse or what?

I've had to pick her up to get her out of the coop. She would just sleep there all day.
try to give her some electrolyte solution in her water, also try to give her favorite treats to help promote eating. I had a hen act like this at about 1 year old, it took three days of care, feeding and bringing water up to her beak to get her to drink, I would gently put her beak in a small bowl and she would take in a little, but she got better and has been fine since, I wonder if you ate something bad for her, but she would slpeep out in the middle of the yaer unprotected! so I would keep her in a safe spot until she gets better, also the others may peck at her if they sence she is acting different
I was just trying to give her water. She had shavings from the coop all crusted in her beak. So I wet it several times and when they got soaked, I was able to remove them. It looks better now but she's still just sleeping. She moves her head around slot and her beak opens and closes like she's talking but her eyes are closed. It weird watching her.

I have some Gatorade I'll try to give her some of that.

(Edited original typing mistakes from typing on a dumbphone)
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I've checked her Crop and nothing hard is there. I've checked her for mites and lice and see nothing. I just don't know what to do. I'm not spending much money to find out other than some worm medicine. She's a $12 chicken that can be replaced but I really don't want her to die.
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No mites that we can see around her vent or under her wings. I'm not sure how to check for worms. Look at her poop? She isn't pooping because she's not eating. I'm going to worm all four in the next 24 hours.

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