Sleepy, Lethargic Chick? Sick?


5 Years
Oct 22, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
I went to a swap meet this morning and got 7 chicks total from 4 different venders. One sold me two Bantam Partridge Wyandottes, and had paperwork for vaccines ready, so I think he was experienced and reliable...I think. One of the chicks, now named Bean, has been sleeping and sleepy ever since we got her/him. I’ve had to force Bean to wake up to eat/drink, and they barely chirp besides one instance where they realized I quarantined them away from its friends. I already had 6 chicks that I merged the new 6 (+ Bean, but is now removed) with. Even on the car ride home, Bean could barely hold its head up. Bean’s slowly getting stronger, from not being able to stand on its own to now waddling on its knees or taking a few steps towards water. I read something saying it could be Cocci, but Bean’s poops like normal—at least I’m pretty sure. There’s no blood or obvious blood, and Bean’s been eating well on its own, only needing assistance finding the water. Is this Cocci? Bean was temporarily with the others before I read the cocci article, so will they die now too? The other chick of Bean’s breed from the same vender is perfectly normal and happy, running with the others and living fine. Is it an individual chick, non-contagious type thing? Bean occasionally “yawns” or opens her mouth. I think this is just clearing its crop but I honestly am just confused and can’t run this heat lamp over night when I’m not here to supervise, and the heat plate is being used in the brooder with the other 12, so I really need a solution or advice before bedtime. Please tell me anything! I’ve put electrolytes in their water in case it is disease so maybe they’ll have SOMETHING to help. I know it’s mostly for hot days but I hope it would help at least a little.


Edit: Here’s the most recent poop. It is slightly colored but I can’t tell if it’s blood or just because it’s dried over the heat lamp:

It looks slightly more red in this picture than in real life.
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How is she doing?
Can you get photos of the poop without the red light?
She died but we ended up diagnosing her with Omphalitis, which seemed pretty accurate. She was doing fine for the whole weekend when I was home both days, all day, but once I returned to work on Monday she died because I wasn’t there to wake her up/force her to eat and drink, so she became too weak to eat or drink when I came home and died that night even after I attempted to force feed her yolk.
She died but we ended up diagnosing her with Omphalitis, which seemed pretty accurate. She was doing fine for the whole weekend when I was home both days, all day, but once I returned to work on Monday she died because I wasn’t there to wake her up/force her to eat and drink, so she became too weak to eat or drink when I came home and died that night even after I attempted to force feed her yolk.
I'm sorry to hear that :(

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