Sleepy Silkie Chick, Is That Okay?!


7 Years
Jul 9, 2012
Joliet, IL
So Today I Got My Silkie Chicks At 7 A.M And It Is 2:37 P.M And I Have This One Chick That Has Been Sleeping All Day I Try To Make Him Stand Up But Then He Lays Back Down And Goes To Sleep, He Usually Always Has His Eyes Closed All My Other Chicks Are All Active Eating And Drinking. I Gave The Chick Sugar Water Like 7 Times But He Still Is The Same I Haven't Seen Him Eat Or Drink. Is He Sick? Also Everybody Else Just Goes Around Him.
Also My Chicks Came With GloGel And Now Their Popping Green Is That Normal?

Thanks :) , Yes This Is My First Time Ordering Chicks.
Will It Affect The Other Ones? And I Can't! I Don't Have Another Heat Lamp! :(
I've Been Giving It Sugar Water To See If It Gets Active And Going.
Probably no need to quarantine due to the fact they have been in a shipping box together. Doesn't sound good though. Could just be that the chick had something wrong with her at birth. Just try to keep her comfortable.
Probably no need to quarantine due to the fact they have been in a shipping box together. Doesn't sound good though. Could just be that the chick had something wrong with her at birth. Just try to keep her comfortable.

Okay, I'll Try My Best! :) But I Haven't Seen It Eat What If It Dies Of Hunger? Would You Happen To Know How I Can Feed If? Cause It Won't Open It's Beak Or Nothing And It's Hard To Open Its Beak And Feed It Cause It Was To Hard Cause The Chick Always Kept Moving.

Please Help.
Thanks :)
Oh gosh, I'm so sorry :(

Do try again though! It's those chick diseases, like Mareks, that they catch no matter how much you try to protect them :( I'd sanatize all my equipment then try again

good luck!!!
So sorry for your losses. Does this mean you only had 3 chicks shipped? In my experience small orders like this don't do well for the chicks as they need the body heat from the other chicks and the tight spacing so they can't stumble and be tossed around so much in shipment. I hope the place you ordered them from will be replacing your chicks?
So sorry for your losses. Does this mean you only had 3 chicks shipped? In my experience small orders like this don't do well for the chicks as they need the body heat from the other chicks and the tight spacing so they can't stumble and be tossed around so much in shipment. I hope the place you ordered them from will be replacing your chicks?

No, I Did Not Order 3 Silkie Chicks I Ordered 15 Silkie Chicks But Received 17 (2 Extras.)
But Is There Even A Hatchery That Ships Only 3 Chicks?

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