Slight Sneezing and Rattling Breath in Chick


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 22, 2011
TX Hill Country
I have a Cochin chick that was purchased a week ago today. I am not sure how old she is; she is small/hand-sized, but has some adult feathers.

Two days ago, I picked her up and heard some cracking breaths. I held her close to listen and she sneezed. A very small amount of clear, watery liquid came from her nostrils. After this, her breathing sounds were clear.

Yesterday I picked her up again and she had the crackling sounds again. She sneezed and was still slightly raspy, but I don’t remember any discharge.

Other than this, she is completely normal. She is curious and active, runs around and flutters, has no discharge other than the clear, watery stuff a few days ago (nothing thick or sticky). Her vent is clean and she does not seem swollen anywhere. Her poops are normal, as far as I can tell. I have seen her eat (medicated Purina Start & Grow) and drink.

She lives in an 8’x8’ coop with five other chicks (four older than she is, one about the same age) and has access all day to an 8’x16’ run. They were all purchased from the same feed store, just a week apart. None of the other chicks have any symptoms.

Does this sound like anything to be terribly concerned about? Should I just keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn’t get any worse? I looked at some websites of common diseases, and most of what they describe has more symptoms, so I’m not exactly sure what she might have. Is this maybe something that will go away in time?

Should/can I buy some antibiotics for her?

Thanks in advance.
I would be concerned for her, and also your other chicks since they are living together.

Antibiotics sound like a good idea, but I wouldn't know which ones to recommend. I do know someone that might though. I'll point them towards your thread.

Good luck to you.
Separate her ASAP, and treat everyone with Tylan50 in their water. I just went through this and unfortunately it spread throughout my flock, but everyone's getting better now. I did lose 3 chicks to it though who stopped growing.

Edit: Since she's been in there for a couple days there may not be any point in separating her anymore. Expect the rest to start showing symptoms sometime within the next 7-10 days if you don't treat. Good luck!
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Could someone post the dose for Tylan? I ordered some, but have not received it yet. Got a new roo from someone last week and he has been sneezing quite a bit. Wish I hadn't brought him home to my small starter flock now.
Tylan powder 100 gm Mix 1 1/2 teaspoon powder in 1 gallon water. Mix well. Give for 3-5 days.

Good luck!
My Buff Cochin Bantam is almost 2 weeks & doing the clicky sound when she breathes, maybe 1 sneeze all week. No discharge though. Other than the clicky sound she's eating, drinking, an overall appears normal & healthy. She's been doing it a couple days. There is another Cochin Bantam as well as 2 Australorps (same age) in with her & they're not doing this. Do I need to give meds?
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Hello, I am also having same issues with 6 mo old red rex links. Just days after getting them (my first chickens) I started seeing signs of illness. I put them on an anitbiotic in the water for nearly two weeks. Not sure it was doing much good because they were not drinking much when it was cold. Anyway, weather warmed up, symptoms went away. Now it is cold and rainy again and symptoms have returned. Is this something that may just be result of the rain?

Once they were able to free range on the dandilions healing was rapid. More effective than the antibiotics I think. Still I wonder about the rain.
I'm going to try the Dandelions today as treats *crosses fingers* Come to think of it mine also started the raspy noise when the rain came in. Hmm.

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