Greystone farm

Jul 7, 2020
Hi there! I noticed today that one of my 2 and a half year old hens, Rhody, is acting slightly lethargic today. Upon looking closer I noticed that her comb has a very small flop to it that didn’t used to be there, and it’s tips at the back are slightly darker/more discoloured than normal. Also, her crop feels empty so I don’t know if that means she hasn’t been eating or something else. I checked her over and she has no other symptoms of anything.
I may just be exaggerating (I recently lost one of my precious hens for the first time and want to be extra safe with my remaining girls), but I want to be fast acting in case anything is wrong. Thanks for may help! I will attach a picture of Rhody’s comb below.
Note: Rhody has not been laying for a while, though I suspect it’s because of her age
How old is she? Do you have any pictures? Can you try offering her some wet chicken feed mush and a little scrambled egg or tuna? Make sure that she is drinking water. An empty crop in the late afternoon is not normal. If you have Poultry NutriDrench, I would be give her 2 ml orally for a boost. She could be dehydrated or experiencing symptoms of a reproductive disorder.
How old is she? Do you have any pictures? Can you try offering her some wet chicken feed mush and a little scrambled egg or tuna? Make sure that she is drinking water. An empty crop in the late afternoon is not normal. If you have Poultry NutriDrench, I would be give her 2 ml orally for a boost. She could be dehydrated or experiencing symptoms of a reproductive disorder.
She is 2 and a half years old. Has been in perfect health all her life! I put her in the coop alone for a bit and she drank & ate. Her crop is no longer empty. I was also thinking dehydration, and I’ll watch to make sure she’s drinking. Hopefully she perks up a bit tomorrow!
I don’t have any nutridrench but I’ll look into it!

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