Slipped tendon in chick, anyone ever try to fix this? Experiences?

My 6 day old chick has this, couldn't stand at all until I did the backwards leg stretch as suggested above. I have two questions for y'all that are doing this. 1. How much Epson salt/water ratio. 2. Can you post a picture of the figure 8 wrap you use? I've searched and can't find anything for this, just splayed leg. Okay, three questions...3. Can they lose their foot from this? My chicks foot is beginning to stop growing and she doesn't use it at all. Thank you so much for posting on this! I'm not culling her unless she's in horrible pain and unable to live, I'll accommodate her anyway I need to!
I'm having a problem getting the tendon in place on my 2 day old serama leg just keeps dragging out behind it,it also has clubbed feet which I have put card on and taped don't really want chick suffering more than necessary it must be in pain
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I have treated this successfully in an adult rooster. If you cannot feel tendon while rolling between fingers,try running thumb down back of leg from hock to shank press down while doing this you should feel tendon,it will feel loose/springy. When you press down you should feel it snap back into place. You can also do stretching exercises,gently stretch leg back(like chick would do while normally stretching)this helps to stretch tendon. You can wrap to keep tendon in place. I did not wrap what i did was snap tendon back into place several times a day,i also encouraged walking for my rooster as i did not want tendon to stiffen up. Took about 2 weeks before he was back to walking normal.

What did the hock joint look like to make you think it was a tendon issue? I have just noticed one of my 23 week old girls is limping around. While watching her walk, I could see the joint moving side to side, not the typical bend. Looked as though her leg would jolt to the side when she would step.
Hi guys. My turkey poult all of the sudden has a bent inward leg... I noticed it 2 days ago... im thinking it's perosis but I honestly don't know because no one can give me an answer. Any help would be amazing

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