Slipped wing in 2 week old chick


5 Years
Nov 13, 2018
New Zealand
Hey guys,

One of my Orpington chicks has a slipped wing. The primaries are overlapping the secondaries at rest on one of her wings.

I've tried manually resetting it when I can, but they're so rambunctious at this age that it typically doesn't stay that way for long.

I'm thinking it's a natural defect - one of the feathers seems a bit off, so it may just be one of the primaries that has grown in twisted causing all the trouble. The brooder is a pretty active place at the moment as their broodmates are Campines, who have already completed their wings and are starting to fly about(yes, only 2 weeks old), so can't rule out possible injury due to their enthusiasm for bombing into one another.

I would like to wrap it into the correct position, but would be concerned with doing so this young. I can commit to changing\loosening the bandage daily and checking it multiple times a day as we're locked down at the moment.

What would you suggest? Should I wait till she's a bit older or will this just make it harder to address? And should I wrap the wing to itself at the wrist, the wing to the body, both? And how long will the wing realistically need to stay wrapped to correct the joint?
Black chick plus bad cam = I hope you can see it. It's not as bad as it was at the beginning of the week and when I correct it manually, it seems to be staying popped in a bit longer each time. It's popped out in this pic, but not severely. She seems to hold that wing a little lower than her other in general too.


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