Slowed Egg Production


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 11, 2013
We have two two year old RIR, three two year old NHR and ten one year old Sagittas. We also have a Silkie rooster. This winter we were up to about 12 eggs a day. It was great. Then just after Christmas it dropped to 3-6 per day. The older five molted last fall and the younger ten don't appear to be in a molt. I've tried adding Cayenne to their food and water. I've also separated the rooster because he was making all of my hens bald and probably stressing them out. We are to about 6 a day now but they still are sluggish. The days are long and warm. They are free ranging a few hours a day. Any ideas why they aren't up to at least 10 a day?
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Greetings from Kansas, swingboy, and
! Pleased you joined us. Sorry your girls aren't laying as they should. You might post in the following link - maybe someone will have an idea. Good luck to you!
Thanks guys. For some reason I have been having a hard time posting to anything and this was the first place. I'll repost in the suggested area.

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