Slowness, loa, in 9 mo BO pullet


11 Years
Jul 7, 2008
Apex, NC
Maybe not a true emergency but the first unusual episode for us.
9 month old BO pullet, laid a fine egg today.
Acting sleepy, letting someone pick her up without a fuss (unusual)
diarrhea, not wanting to eat, but yes, drinking water, blinking slowly, movements are slow and a little clumsy.

Any thoughts?

We were getting some some/cracked eggs the last few days so at the advice found here on BYC, we gave some cottage cheese (for protein and calcium). All four girls ate it, but she is the one BO and the only one acting strangely.
Thanks you!!
It could be a lot of things, unfortunately.
Could be anything from illness to food poisoning to broodiness to worms. Does her poo look normal?

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