Small coup big yard??


Apr 16, 2016
Grand Lake , Louisiana
I am trying to caculate how many chickens I can have in my yard. My coup is 10 × 10 and their yard is about 30 × 55 feet. How many chickens can I have with out crowding them. I want them to comfortable. I have two roos and 14 hens right now and they get along just fine. I'd like to add one more roo but I know I'll need to add more hens for him. Any advice will help. And none of my roos or hens are old enough to know better. Between 6 weeks and 3 months in ages.thanks
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a car style is a coup, a chicken house is a coop. your coop has enough room for 25 birds, and I really don't know if you want chickens living in your coup
however your run has enough room for 165 birds,
ok I was trying to be funny but explaining it ruins it, since a coup is a style of car you don't want chickens living in your car, maybe I have a different sense of humor than you do but I thought it was funny.
Hi and welcome to BYC - glad that you have joined us. I would not advise getting the maximum number of birds possible - the 10 sq ft per bird is a minimum space requirement. A smaller, relaxed flock is likely to give you much more pleasure and less trouble than packing chickens into your yard like sardines in a can.

All the best
I wouldn't add a rooster - because despite being young YES, they will know there is another rooster. If you get more hens for a new rooster, you will need a bigger (or second coop).
If your roosters plan on fighting each other you will have to divide into two flocks. Unless you plan to hatch a lot of chicks or sell fertile eggs, you don't need any roosters and the hens would be much happier without them.
I wouldn't add a rooster - because despite being young YES, they will know there is another rooster. If you get more hens for a new rooster, you will need a bigger (or second coop).
If your roosters plan on fighting each other you will have to divide into two flocks. Unless you plan to hatch a lot of chicks or sell fertile eggs, you don't need any roosters and the hens would be much happier without them.

thanks for the reminder I forgot to add that, but cluckenchicken you don't need another roo, one roo can easily cover 10-15 hens, so you are good on roos because if you maxed out on 25 that would be 3 roos for 22 hens you would probably end up with some bare backed hens as a result.

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