Small eggs after large ones


13 Years
Nov 13, 2008
Spring, Texas
Our 3 Barred Rocks are now 2 yrs old....they went rather dormant during winter here (Houston, TX), laying one or two and sometimes no eggs for days.
Now they are laying again, one normal large/jumbo egg a day..sometimes none, but at least 4-5 times in the last month, we have found a tiny "quail" size egg,
with no yolk, but well shelled. Also found tiny shell bits in the roost area.

Anyone know what's happening...we know about "fart" eggs, but this is getting too regular...????

They get Wendlands 20% eggmaker as well as free choice oyster shell, as well as scraps from our parrot and oats as "treats"......
Thanks y'all...
Everyone has a bad day now and then.

Perhaps because they are getting a bit older, they are experiencing more misfires?

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