Small eggs


7 Years
Feb 28, 2014
Hanging into Texas
I've got 2 hens laying and have gotten 13 eggs thus far. My chickens are brown leghorns. All the eggs have been perfect, but small. Should the eggs get larger, or does this breed just lay small eggs? Or does egg-size vary from chicken to chicken? I know some leghorns lay larger eggs (they come in "small, medium, large and extra-large" in the store), so I wonder if mine will eventually lay some larger eggs?
Did they just start laying? Often times, the first eggs of pullets are small. In a month or so, they should reach a good size. Leghorns usually have nice large eggs.
Yes, their eggs should get larger. The first year of egg laying they lay eggs every day, but they'll be smaller sized eggs and then the second year you'll probably get less eggs, but the eggs will be bigger.
I have 6 leghorns and only one was laying when we left on vacation last week. Now two are laying and all but one is squatting. The eggs are 3/4 size. I noticed one of the eggs today was smaller than the other, so the one who started first may already be laying eggs a bit larger! Once everyone starts laying I'm going to be swimming in eggs! I'm going to practice making coconut cream pies....YUMM! Wyandottes7 and Lightchick, I feel better now. Thanks!

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