Small Garage Coop Design. Help!

What about removing the glass from the window and covering it with hardware cloth for ventilation and making a pop door below it?

If I make smaller high up filtered vents in the garage will that be enough ventilation? Would an open window like that be too cold? Assuming I cover the run to keep snow and rain out?
I like lots of venting.... So I like the idea of one great big opening, and then the perch behind the window so it will be out of any possible draft.

Also, that makes the coop a bit bigger, and more space = happier chickens.
yep, I would leave the window as is, with the perch by the window.

And then the next bay over have mostly wire for some great ventilation.
Okay, so reassure me that they won't be too cold? I know you're in Alaska and colder than us, but eek.
ventilation is VERY important, and will keep them healthy.

You just want to make sure there is no draft on the perches, and set it up so the snow doesn't blow too badly into the coop area.

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