Smart Chicken Coop Monitoring & Control System! We NEED your input!!

Hello everyone! I am an Electrical Engineering student doing a senior design project before I graduate. My team has chosen to do a "Smart Coop System" which will be an integrated system, easily installed in existing coops, that allows Backyard Chicken Farmers to monitor and control their coop as well as alert them to any possible issues. For our research portion of our project, I wanted to survey you all and see what features you would like to see in a system like this.

I have listed below options that we are planning to have, but please feel free to add anything you feel you would need/want. You can simply say, "I would like options #1, 3, 5." or something to that effect. It would also be extremely helpful if you could include what state or country you are located along with how many chickens you have. If this sort of system is something you would rather not have, that's okay, let us know! Your input is greatly appreciate and essential to our research portion of our project! Thanks in advanced!

#1 Temperature monitoring (alerts when temp is too high or too low depending on user settings)
#2 Water/Feed Level alert (alerts when low)
#3 Air Quality Control (monitors humidity, ammonia, and CO2)
#4 Nesting Box Egg detector (detects when an egg is laid in a box)
#5 Hen laying tracker (tracks which hen laid an egg)
#6 Chicken Tracking (alerts when chickens get outside a perimeter such as into a garden or any other area)
#7 Automatic Door (opens/closes on timer or by light)
#8 Automatic Heating (turns on a "safe" heater when temp drops below a certain point)
#9 Automatic Cooling (fan kicks on when temp gets above a certain point)
#10 Automatic Lighting (controls coop lighting/provides more light when daylight lessens for optimal laying)
#11 Auto Water Defroster (turns on to prevent water from freezing in low temps)
#12 Video Camera Monitoring

11 and 12. I'd be more interested in a convenient alert system. Like motion activated defenses. Maybe something that would make a sound near the coop to scare something off while simultaneously taking pics or video, but also alert me so I can see what it was. Most contraptions down't make a sound at the coop and also alert you at the same time, at least not that I know of. I can use a battery operated trail camera near coop. But I want to be alerted. Camera/alarm at coop and alarm on my end. Would be important that volume was adjustable on both ends. And finally, the system needs to be priced decently, simple, and easy to use and set up. I would like an automatic door that opens in the morning, but doesn't make sense for it to close in the evening because you don't know if all your birds are inside or not.

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